A "Report" is a document that was produced for National Highways and is stored in a library, typically electronically although in a small number of cases as a hard copy in an office. The subject of Reports can be either an extended section of the road network ( i.e. not a individual Asset) or linked to remedial works which will be specific to individual assets.
Reports are often commissioned specifically and separate from routine, day-to-day management of the network (e.g. not a routine principal inspection). GeoAMPs are also uploaded which are focused on reporting back day to day asset management.
The GDMS Reports module contains an index of these reports, giving summary information about the report, where it is stored, and for the majority of reports a scanned PDF available for immediate viewing and download.
Within the Reports Module you can:
Search the database to easily retrieve Reports of interest.
View summary information about a group of Reports.
View detailed information about a single Report, including a indexed, searchable PDF preview (where uploaded).
Define which sections of road on the network a report relates to.
Manage the NH quality assurance process for documents using Certificates.
Apply the NH records management policy using the in-built workflow (i.e. retention, review and disposition).
Some activities require Editor, Manager or Reviewer permissions, see here for a full summary.
Ground investigation results, including AGS data, are not treated as a Report on the GDMS system. Specific processes for managing this information is provided instead in the Exploratory Locations module.
For more informal information about a particular object on the GDMS system you can upload an Attached File. This could include, for example, a sketch of the location of a Geotechnical Event, or a photo of a GAD Condition Item.