Adding a Report

To add a Report, Editor or Manager level access for the Reports module are required at different steps (see Access Levels). 
See here for how to check your current access level. See here for how to apply for a change in access level. 

Adding a new Report involves the following steps:

  1. Create a Report and enter some basic details (Editor).

  2. Set the extents of the report and the sections of road it relates to (Editor).

  3. Approve the Report (Manager).

  4. Prepare the PDF Report Record for upload (offline process).

  5. Upload the PDF Report Record (Manager).

  6. Set the Certificate status and upload a Certificate if necessary (Manager).

  7. Review whether the Report should be controlled by the Document Management Cycle (Manager).

To avoid duplication you should make sure the Report has not already been added to the system. The easiest way to do this is to search the Reports Summary grid using filters on key properties (e.g. Title, Scheme, Reference Number) or by a fuzzy search to match your term with any of the Report properties.

Create a Report on the GDMS system

A Report records information about the document within the GDMS Reports module database.

To create a new Report go to Main Menu>Reports>Create Report.

A form to enter some information about the document will appear. The fields highlighted in bold are mandatory, although you should complete all the fields if possible.

Guidance for what to enter can be expanded below.

Click Save and you will be taken to the detail page for your newly created Report.

Next you should set the extents of the Report is about, to help others searching for information.

Reports classified as SECRET or TOP SECRET according to the UK Government information security guidelines must not be added to GDMS in any form.
Reports classified as OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE can be added, although with additional restrictions enforced by the system which must not be circumvented (e.g. you will not be allowed to upload a PDF Report Record).