To comply with GDPR regulations, files which contain personal data or which could identify an individual must not be uploaded to the system. This includes, for example, photos which contain unobscured faces or vehicle number plates.
Files should be edited to remove/obscure personal data outside of the system before upload e.g. blur faces.
If you notice an attached file which does contain personal data, inform a user with Manager permissions so that it can be removed.
Attached Files can be associated with many objects on the system across the GDMS modules.
They are informal files which provide additional information about the object without being constrained by the specific system data fields.
They could include, for example:
A photo of a system recording the current level of deterioration.
A profile picture for your user profile.
A file is attached to a specific object but can be viewed from the details page from other associated objects as well. As an example, a file attached to an Inventory Item, can also be viewed from any associated Inventory Sets and the Asset.
In general all users can view Attached Files, however Editor permissions are required to Add or Edit a file, and Manager permissions are required to Delete an existing file. See here for full details.
Attached Files should not be confused with Reports. Attached Files are generally short, informal documents/photos associated with a specific object on the system. Longer, more general and formal documents, should be added to the system as Reports, as described here.
Similarly, there is a specific process for uploading AGS data associated with Exploratory Locations to the system, described here.
To upload a new file, first navigate to the Attached Files section of the details page for the object.
Click Upload on the command bar.
Select the file by either:
Clicking Choose File, and browsing to the file location.
'Drag and Drop' the file from an open folder onto the Choose File icon.
The permitted file types are .bmp, .csv, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .tif, .tiff and the maximum file size if 1GB.
Add a Title and a brief Description for the file, then click Save.
Your file will be attached, and shown alongside the other files in the summary grid.
The Attached Files associated with an object are summarised in a grid in the Attached Files section of the object's and any related object's details page. For example a file attached to a condition item will also show in its Asset's summary grid.
You can do the following by selecting a file from the list, and clicking the appropriate button on the Command Bar
Preview - Display a limited resolution version of an image in a new tab, for viewing inside the system. Only available for images. Images can also be previewed by clicking on the image thumbnail.
Download - Downloads a version of the file for viewing outside the system. Image files are downloaded with their full resolution. Files are saved in the the default download location of your browser.
Edit - Allows the Title and Description of a file to be edited (Editor permissions required). The file itself cannot be edited, to make changes you will need to Delete the file, edit outside of the system, then Upload a new file.
Delete - Permanently removes the Attached File from the system (requires Manager permissions).
Clicking Show Archived will toggle whether Attached Files associated with Archived objects are included in the grid. Note that you cannot Archive an Attached File itself, although when you Archive an object, all the associated Attached Files are archived at the same time.