Editor level access is required for the Report module to define or Edit the extents of Preliminary Status Reports. Manager level access is required to Edit extents of Approved status reports (see Access Levels).
See here for how to check your current access level. See here for how to apply for
a change in access level.
Generally a Report will only be related to a section of the network, and potentially only to a discrete location.
Recording this information on GDMS allows the Reports to be searched for using the Map and by Road (see Searching for a Report). This will ensure other users can find relevant Reports easily, and valuable information is not missed.
You will first need to have Created a Report on GDMS before proceeding. Recording the location of a Report (or confirming it is Non-Locatable) is mandatory before a Report can be Approved.
To define or edit the location extents of a Report, first select Set Extents (or Update Extents if editing) on the Command Bar. This will have two stages.
To define the extents, enter a co-ordinate either directly or by clicking on the Map.
On the next page, enter a second co-ordinate, at the opposite corner of a rectangle which encompasses the relevant sections of the network.
You can also record a Report as 'Non-Locatable'. This will mean it cannot be searched for on the map.
To add one or more Roads, select them from the available list, then click Add Road(s) on the Command Bar. To remove a Road, similarly select it and click Remove Road(s) on the Command Bar.
The list of available options is pre-populated with all the Roads within the Report Extents. All roads are available for 'Non-Locatable' Reports.
When finished click Finish Updating.