Slope Geometries record the geometry of Geotechnical Assets. They cannot be associated with any other object type.
There are two types of Slope Geometries:
Start/End - The Slope Geometry at the start and end point of the Geotechnical Asset. It is mandatory for this to be defined during creation of the asset.
Intermediate - Additional Slope Geometries defined at other user defined locations along the Asset. There is no limit to how many can be created.
Intermediate slope geometries can be created from the asset details page or during the creation of items. See here for more details.
A summary of the Slope Geometries associated with a Geotechnical Asset are listed in the Slope Geometries section of its details page (see here how to navigate to this page).
To Create a new Intermediate Slope Geometry click Create Slope Geometry on the command bar.
To view full details about a particular Slope Geometry, select it and click View Slope Geometry on the command bar
This will open its details page, and from here you can Edit, Approve, Archive or Delete it.
Intermediate Slope Geometries should be defined wherever any of the dimensions are changing, so the variation of the geometry along the length of the Asset can be understood.
You will also be given the option to define the intermediate Slope Geometry
at the location of a new Inventory or Condition Item (although the Slope Geometry will still be associated with the Asset rather than the Item).