To create GAD objects, Editor or Manager level access is required for the GAD module for the specific Area that the objects are associated to (see Access Levels).
See here for how to check your current access level. See here for how to apply for a change in access level.
Before creating a GAD object, please confirm that it does not already exist. This should be double-checked by looking for similar objects on the Map view, and in the summary grids for the particular object type.
To create a Geotechnical Asset, go to Main Menu > Geotechnical > Create Asset.
You will first be asked to define the Asset type, the location of the start and end points, and the slope geometry at the start and end points. Refer to the linked pages for specific guidance on how to do this.
A form for entering details about the asset will appear. Click herehere for guidance on what should be entered for specific fields.
Field | Data to be entered | When Mandatory? |
Asset Type | Geotechnical asset type, as defined within the ADMM. 'At Grade' should be selected for all assets whose maximum vertical height within the longitudinal extent of the asset is less than 2.5m. The 'front' side of a bund is that facing the carriageway. |
Creation |
Off-Network? | Select when an asset is within the responsibility of National Highways, but is off the network and not associated with a carraigeway. This will affect how the location of the asset is defined. |
Area | NH Area number. Automatically taken from Network for Network Assets. Editable for Off-Network assets only. Only Areas to which you have Editor or Manager access level for the GAD module can be selected. |
Creation |
Description | General description field Note: This field will be editable even when the earthwork is approved. |
Review Required? | Notes whether the asset needs reviewing following migration. | |
Location Description | Descriptive location of the asset. | |
Side | Side of the carriageway where the asset is located. Either Left or Right, facing with the direction of traffic (i.e. for a dual-carriageway, select right for assets in the central reservation). | |
Geology observed? | Is the 'Geology Description' based upon direct observations in the field? | |
Geology from BGS map? | Is the 'Geology Description' based upon a BGS geological map? | |
Geology from new investigation? | Is the 'Geology Description' based upon a recent or ongoing ground investigation? | |
Geology from existing investigation? | Is the 'Geology Description' based upon a historic ground investigation identified during the desk study? | |
Geology description | A description of the geology of the asset. | |
In-situ geology | For cuttings and at grade earthworks, select the assessed in situ geology code in which the cutting lies For embankments and bunds, select the geology code assessed to be underneath the fill material. |
Approval |
Embankment geology | For embankments and bunds only. Select the assessed embankment geology code for the embankment composition. | Approval (for relevant asset types) |
Inspection return period (years) | The maximum number of years between Principal Inspections for this asset as a whole (i.e. including all associated objects). This should be determined based upon a risk assessment in accordance with CS641. Where insufficient information is available
to undertake an assessment a default of 5 years should be set (as per NA to CS641). Note: This does not include any more frequent monitoring requirements for an object. |
Inspection return period assessed? | Record whether an asset specific risk assessment was undertaken to determine the Principal Inspection return period? | |
Date of construction | Date when construction of the asset was completed. If the year is known, but the month and/or day is not, the full date should be entered assuming the first day or month for the missing information (e.g. 1st January 1972). TIP: If a precise date is unknown, you will need to estimate based on the available information (for example the date of construction of the associated road) and record a low quality, before the asset can be approved. |
Approval |
Construction date source | Field appears once a construction date is entered. Select the source from the list. |
Approval |
Quality of construction date source | Field appears once a construction date is entered. Select the assessed quality of the data source. |
Approval |
Date of decommission | Date when the asset was decommissioned. If the year is known, but the month and/or day is not, the full date should be entered assuming the first day or month for the missing information (e.g. 1st January 1972). |
Decommission date source | Field appears once a decommission date is entered. Select the source from the list. |
Quality of decommission date source | Field appears once a decommission date is entered. Select the assessed quality of the data source. |
Reason for decommissioning | Field appears once a decommission date is entered. Select the reason. |
All the details should be entered if possible. The Asset type is mandatory for the asset to be created. Area is taken from the network but user entered for off network assets and mandatory for creation.
On the next page, you must link an Activity to the Asset on creation. This should be the Activity which triggered the creation of the Asset, for example the inspection where it was identified. It can be an existing activity, or a newly created one.
When finished, click Save, and you will be taken to the details page for your newly created Asset!
You should now liaise with a GAD Manager to Approve the new asset.
From here you can create the other GAD objects within the Asset (see here for data structure).
Every Inventory Item must be associated with a Geotechnical Asset. Condition Items can be associated with either a Geotechnical Asset or Inventory Item.
To create an Item, first navigate to the details page for the Asset (or Inventory Item).
Navigate to the appropriate section, and click either Create Inventory Item, or Create Condition Item on the command bar.
First you will be asked to define the location and extents of the item along the asset, and have the option to define a new Intermediate Slope Geometry If creating a condition item on an inventory item, you will be asked to define the extent along the inventory item.
A form for entering details about the item will then appear, split over two pages for general details, and details specific to the Item type.
Click herehere for guidance on what should be entered for specific fields for Inventory Items.
Field | Guidance |
Type | Select type of Inventory Item from list. Mandatory. |
Description | General description of Inventory Item. Free -text field. |
Revew Required | Notes whether the inventory item needs reviewing following migration. |
Date of Construction | Date when construction of the item was completed. If the year is known, but the month and/or day is not, the full date should be entered assuming the first day or month for the missing information (e.g. 1st January 1972). TIP: If a precise date is unknown, it is better to estimate based on the available information and record a low quality, rather than leave blank. |
Construction date source | Select the source from the list. Leave blank for natural features (e.g. geology and vegetation) as this field is not relevant. Mandatory if a construction date is entered. |
Quality of construction date source | Select the assessed quality of the data source. Mandatory if a construction date is entered. |
Date of decommission | Date when the Inventory Item was decommissioned. Not relevant for natural features (e.g. geology and vegatation). Leave blank. If the year is known, but the month and/or day is not, the full date should be entered assuming the first day or month for the missing information (e.g. 1st January 1972). |
Decommission date source | Select the source from the list. Mandatory if a decommission date is entered. |
Quality of decommission date source | Select the assessed quality of the data source. Mandatory if a decommission date is entered. |
Reason for decommissioning | Select the reason. Mandatory if a decommission date is entered. |
Field | Guidance |
Access constraint reason | Select the type of access constraint from the list. Mandatory. |
Access constraint other reason | Describe access constraint. Mandatory if 'Other' access constraint selected. |
Drainage of an earthwork slope is often better defined as an SGM Inventory Item. Drainage should preferentially be recorded as an SGM where possible, as this records the nature and function more thoroughly.
Before creating a new Drainage Inventory
Item, check that the feature is not already on the system as an SGM Inventory Item to avoid duplication.
Field | Guidance |
Drainage position | Select the location of the drainage. Mandatory. 'Mid slope' should be selected for transverse drainage running down the slope. |
Drainage type | Select the type of drainage which is present. |
Uniclass 2015 Code | Automatically populated where appropriate. Classification code for item in accordance with Uniclass 2015 system. |
ADMM Code | Automatically populated where appropriate. Classification code for the item in accordance with the ADMM. |
Field | Guidance |
Source of information | Select the source of information about the geology. Mandatory. |
In situ geology | Select the geology type from the pre-defined list. |
Embankment geology | Select the geology type from the pre-defined list. |
SHW fill class | Select the class of fill material from the pre-defined list. Refer to the Specification for Highway Works (SHW), Volume 1, Series 600 for detailed definitions of the classes. |
Field | Guidance |
SGM type | Select the SGM type from the pre-defined list. Mandatory. |
Vertical extent (%) | Height of the SGM as a proportion of the total earthwork height. Select from the pre-defined list. Mandatory |
Temporary Repair? | Is the SGM a temporary repair. |
Uniclass 2015 code | Automatically populated where appropriate. Classification code for item in accordance with Uniclass 2015 system. |
ADMM | Automatically populated where appropriate. Classification code for the item in accordance with the ADMM. |
Field | Guidance |
Bare ground | Extent of bare ground. Mandatory. |
Grass | Extent of grass. Mandatory. |
Brambles | Extent of brambles. Mandatory. |
Shrubs | Extent of Shrubs. Mandatory. |
Trees | Extent of brambles. Mandatory |
Shrub Height | Average height, in metres, of shrubs. Mandatory if presence of shrubs recorded. |
Tree Height | Average height, in metres, of trees. Mandatory if presence of trees recorded. |
Click herehere for guidance on what should be entered for specific fields for Condition Items.
Field | Guidance |
Type | Select type of Condition Item from list. Mandatory. |
Description | General description of Condition Item. Free-text field. |
Revew Required | Notes whether the Condition Item needs reviewing following migration. |
Min distance to .... | Minimum distance, in metres, from any point of the item to a variety of features. |
Description of 'other' | Description of the other feature to which a minimum distance is defined. Free-text field. |
Field | Guidance |
Volume of failed material (m3) | Estimate of the total volume of material which has failed or become displaced. |
Length (m) | Estimated length of the Condition Item, measured along the asset. |
Breadth (m) | Estimated breadth of the Condition Item, measured perpendicular to the asset. |
Depth (m) | Estimated depth of the Condition Item, measured with reference to the nominal or original surface level. |
Density (No. per m2) | Average number of instances of the defect per square metre. |
Horizontal misalignment (m) | Maximum horizontal displacement of the barrier from its original position, either along or perpendicular to the asset direction. |
Vertical misalignment (m) | Maximum vertical displacement of the barrier from its original position. |
Angular distortion (deg) | Maximum rotation of the object from it's original position. If uncertain, it should be presumed the object was originally vertical. |
Flow rate (litres/min) | Estimated total flow rate of leachate or seepage emerging from the asset. |
You must link an Activity to the Item on creation. This should be the Activity which triggered the creation of the item, for example the inspection where it was identified. It can be an existing activity, or a newly created one. More Activities can be subsequently associated if needed.
When finished, click Save, and you will be taken to the details page for your newly created Item!
You should now liaise with a GAD Manager to Approve the new Item.
Every Inventory Set and Condition Set must be associated with a Geotechnical Asset. They are constituted as a collection of Inventory or Condition Items.
To create a Set, first navigate to the details page for the Asset.
Navigate to the appropriate section, and click either Create Inventory Set, or Create Condition Set on the command bar.
First you will be asked to define an optional free-text description of the set. This should be a short description characterising the set, providing any additional useful detail not captured by the constituent items.
You will also be asked to fill in whether a review is required.
On the next page you 'Pick' the GAD Items you would like to include within the Set. To do this select desired Items from the grid in the right-hand 'All Items' panel, and click Add Item(s) on the command bar.
An item can only be in one Set. If added to a new set, an item will be removed from its current set if it is in one.
To remove Items, select them from the grid in the left-hand 'Picked Items' panel, and click Remove Item(s) on the command bar.
You must link an Activity to the Set on creation. This should be the Activity which triggered the creation of the Set, for example the inspection where it was identified. It can be an existing activity, or a newly created one. More Activities can be subsequently associated if needed.
When finished, click Save, and you will be taken to the details page for your newly created Set!
You should now liaise with a GAD Manager to Approve the new Set.
You will be required to define the Slope Geometry at the Start and End locations when creating a new Geotechnical Asset.
You can create additional Intermediate Slope Geometries from the details page of the Geotechnical Asset. As an example, Intermediate Slope Geometries should be created at the locations of classified Condition Sets.
To create a Slope Geometry, first navigate to the details page for the Asset, select Slope Geometries from the Section Menu and click Create Slope Geometry.
You will first be asked to define the location of the Slope Geometry along the Asset.
A form for entering details about the Slope Geometry will then appear.
Click herehere for guidance on what should be entered for specific fields.
When creating condition and inventory items you will also have the option to define a new Intermediate Slope Geometry at the start and end of the item.
You must link an Activity to the Slope Geometry on creation. This should be the Activity which triggered its creation. It can be an existing activity, or a newly created one. More Activities can be subsequently associated if needed.
When finished, click Save, and you will be taken to the details page for your newly created Slope Geometry object!
You should now liaise with a GAD Manager to Approve the new Slope Geometry.
NRMRs provide details of infrequent intervention to be undertaken on an object. They can be associated to Condition Sets, Condition Items and Inventory Items.
To create a NRMR, first navigate to the details page for the Set or Item, select NRMRs from the Section Menu and click Create NRMR.
A form to enter details about the NRMR will then appear.
Click HereHere for guidance on what should be entered for specific fields.
Field | Guidance |
Type | Picklist field of different maintenance types |
Details | Free text field to put in extra details of the NRMR |
Frequency | Picklist value of frequency period (1-11). Mandatory if type field is entered. |
Frequency unit | Either weeks, months or years. Mandatory if type field is entered. |
To Be Confirmed | Tickbox field to mark whether NRMR needs to be confirmed. |
When finished, click Save, and you will be taken to the NRMR section within the object details.