Managing my Account

Your profile is accessed by clicking  in the Account Menu on the Main Screen.

It is the User Details page for your account and lists your details and current Access Levels.

It includes additional functions to edit and manage your details in the Command Bar:

It is not possible to change your “Organisation”, and if your account is temporary you cannot change its expiry date.

For security purposes passwords must meet minimum requirements. Passwords must contain between 8 and 50 characters, a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers, and a special character (#?!@$%^&*-).

Each user selects whether to allow their full details to be visible to GDMS users outside their organisation within the Edit Details page. Although not mandatory, allowing this access is strongly encouraged to assist other members of the community, for example if they have a query on a document you uploaded.

Please note that as there is a genuine requirement to record who has had access to National Highways information and in particular edited it, closing your account does not remove all of your personal information from the system.

Profile Picture

You have the option of uploading a Profile Picture to your account.

To add, or change, your profile picture, click Edit Details, then click on the profile picture.

A dialog box will appear for you to select the image file to upload. The permitted file types are .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .tif, & .tiff.

Only you can add or edit your profile picture. A System Manager can however delete your profile picture if needed for security purposes. 

The image will be centred and shrunk to fit, so it is best to pick a photo where you are in the middle and cover more than half the height of the image (such as a passport style photo). Images will not be rotated so make sure it is correctly orientated before upload.