Access to the system is administered by System Managers, to gain access to the system please email if you are a geotech user or if you are a drainage or any other user.
An account will be set up for you, and you will receive a welcome email with a link to setup your account. You will need to activate your account as follows:
Determine if your PC’s default web browser is supported (see System Requirements):
If it is supported, click on the link in the email
If it is not supported, copy and paste the link into a supported web browser
Set a password with the following requirements:
8 or more characters long
a mix of lower-case and upper-case letters, numbers, and a special character (#?!@$%^&*-)
Read and accept the terms and conditions
You will not be able to use your account until it is activated.
Access Levels are assigned to users by Module and by geographic location i.e. nationally or by National Highways Area (see Access Levels).
An application for additional or modified Access Levels for a Module should be made to a Manager or System Manager for that Module. If unable to contact a manager, please email to request a change of access level.
Contact details for Manager and System Managers can be found using the User Summary
Contact who will be able to provide further instruction on how to change your access levels.