Editing or Archiving an Organisation

To Edit or Archive an Organisation, Manager or System level access is required for the User Management Module (see Access Levels). See here for how to check your current access level. See here for how to apply for a change in access level. 

More detailed information about a specific Organisation is accessed by selecting an Organisation in the Organisations Summary, and clicking Details in the command bar.

To make any modifications, first navigate to the details page for the Organisation.

Buttons will appear on the command bar to make the following modifications:

Archiving an Organisation means the details can no longer be accessed, and new users cannot be associated with the Organisation. The record of the changes made to the system by that Organisation are still maintained however e.g. the user and Organisation which uploaded a report, or Edited a GAD object.

Organisations cannot be archived if they are associated with any active User accounts. Check this on the User Summary grid by filtering on the Organisation field.