Finding and Viewing Details of a User

Searching for a User

The users summary provides a list of the user accounts registered on the system. If you do not have Manager level access the list is limited to:

User summary can be accessed from Users in the main menu as shown below:

An example of what you may see in the Users summary grid is shown below:

To view more details about a user (e.g. contact details, recent activity) click on a user to select the row, then click Details on the Command Bar.

Specific users or groups of users can be found by Filtering and Sorting.

The easiest way to find the profile of a specific user is to filter on the Forename or Surname column, which will allow a free text search of their name. You can view and edit your profile by navigating to the user details page for your account.

User Details

More detailed information about a specific user is accessed by selecting a user in the User Summary, and clicking Details in the command bar. The User Section Menu is shown below

For a user the following sections are available in the Section Menu:

1. User details section

The User Details section by default lists basic information about the selected user, including their name and organisation.

A greater level of information including contact details is available by default to users within the same organisation. Each user has the option of sharing this additional information with the full GDMS community within their Profile (i.e. outside their organisation as well).

User Managers and System Managers have the ability to send a Welcome Email, Edit Details, Close the Account and Delete Profile Picture by clicking the appropriate button on the Command Bar (see Access Levels) from the relevant User details section.

2. Security section

The security It lists the permissions granted to a user by Module and by Area (see Access Levels).

The list can be filtered and sorted.

3. Audit log

The Audit Log section lists each time any of the User Details were changed and the user who made the change, for example if a user updates their office location.

A historic view of the page can be viewed by selecting a row in the Audit Log and clicking Details.

The  icon is shown in the tab title to indicate it is historic information and the time and date being viewed is displayed at the top of the display window.

Be careful when viewing historic details not to confuse current and historic information. It is recommended that viewing historic information is kept to a minimum and you close historic tabs as soon as possible.