Editor or Manager level access for the Exploratory Locations module is required to Create a Geodataset (see Access Levels).
See here for how to check your current access level. See here for how to apply for a change in access level.
Currently only Geodata Files in the AGS data format, Version 3.1 onwards (.ags files) can be uploaded. Geodata Files migrated from the legacy system may use an earlier AGS version.
The AGS format specification is published and maintained by the
Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists. Further details can be found on their website.
Geodatasets are created by uploading a Geodata file. Exploratory Locations are automatically created at the same time and linked to the Geodataset. The structure of the Exploratory Locations module is described further here.
Follow these steps to create the objects:
Exploratory Locations and Geodatasets can be found using the search functions
The form to upload a Geodata file is accessed from the Main Menu at Main Menu > Exploratory Locations > Upload a Geodata File.
Choose the file to be uploaded on your computer, then click Validate on the Command Bar.
AGS files can be uploaded either as a .AGS file or as a .zip file with a single AGS file within it.
A series of validation checks will be undertaken on the Geodata File to ensure information on the system meets minimum quality requirements. Verification checks are performed to ensure that:
The Geodata file is recognisably a file of a supported format.
The following groups critical for populating Geodataset and Exploratory Location metadata are present:
PROJ - Project Information
TRAN - Data File Transmission Information and Data Status (for AGS Version 4 and later)
HOLE - Hole Details (AGS Version 3.1), or
LOCA - Location Details (AGS Version 4 and later)
The following critical group key fields are present and populated for all records with an appropriate type of data (e.g. numeric or string value):
PROJ_ID - Project Identifier
TRAN_ISNO - Issue sequence reference
LOCA_ID - Location Identifier
All fields required for extraction contain an appropriate type of data if populated.
Where a key field in one of the critical groups must match a value in a parent group, this is satisfied.
A minimum of 75% of Exploratory Locations are valid, i.e. with OSGB grid coordinates within England (rectangular bounding box); depth as a positive number; ground level as a number, location type non-blank.
OSGB grid coordinates within England
Depth as a positive number
Ground level as a number
Location type non-blank
The upload will be blocked if the Geodata file doesn't pass the checks, and you will have to correct the file outside of the system and try again. An error message will explain the checks that were failed and the line number of the text file where the issue occurs.
Further non-critical checks will be undertaken to provide additional information on data quality and content not critical for GDMS operation. The results will not block upload, but will be provided to you for consideration.
If the validation was successful, a preview of the extracted properties for the Geodataset is displayed. If happy, click Upload on the command bar to complete the process and create the Geodataset.
If the Geodata file fails its verification in many cases this will mean the Geodata file is not valid, and you should discuss how to correct the errors with the organisation or person who generated the file.
Once the required changes have been made re-upload the Geodata file using the same process as before.
Once the upload has completed, you will be directed to the Geodataset Details Page. The should be reviewed and edited to correct any missing or incorrect data.
Geodatasets and thereby their associated Exploratory Locations, can be linked to a Report and/or Roads. See here for more details.
Many details of the Geodataset and Exploratory Locations extracted from the Geodata file will not be editable on the system. Therefore, you should only upload files which are finalised and complete not "work in progress" information.