Summary grids are tables that summarise data within GDMS. The grid shows up to 25 records per page. Controls to change page are situated at the bottom of the page.
The ways you can interact with Summary Grids to make finding information easier are shown below.
Information is frequently presented as a grid, with a small number of columns and a large number of rows.
To assist with the location of data or records of interest, the grid can be filtered by clicking the button alongside any of the headings.
Different filter options are provided depending on the content of the column, for example free text search or selection from a drop down list.
The icon changes to to indicate columns with active filters.
An active filter can be removed by clicking on it and selecting Clear. Clicking Clear Filters on the Command Bar removes all filters and resets the view.
When using the free-text filter on a field the search will be on the basis of an exact match to the word or phrase entered. This means any spelling mistakes (either in the entered search of the record itself!) will affect the filter results. Capitalisation is ignored however.
Rows can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on any of the headings. Rows will be sorted alphabetically, numerically or chronologically depending on the type of data being filtered. An arrow icon () indicates which columns are sorted and in which order.
A row can be selected from the summary grid by clicking it. Selected rows are highlighted blue and has its tickbox (situated in leftmost column) ticked.
To select multiple rows, press ctrl and click on rows or click multiple tickboxes. Pressing a tickbox of a selected row will deselect it.
All rows can be selected by clicking on the tickbox in the header of the summary grid. Press the tickbox again to deselect all.
There are various ways you can interact with the summary grid using the Command Bar, shown in the image below.
The actions available in the Command Bar are:
A custom layer is created on the map of the items selected in the summary grid.
After clicking show on map button you will be taken to the map to complete the creation of the custom layer.
Enter the layer title and choose the layer display colour. Press Create to display the custom layer on the map.
Custom Layers will appear in the Mapping Legend under Search Results and can be interacted with as with the standard layers.
Show on map will only work with less than 20,000 rows filtered in the grid.
Custom layers will only be visible to the user who created them during the current session. Custom layers are not saved so will not appear if GDMS is closed and reopened.
Many of the grids can be exported in CSV format. See here for more details.
Directs you to the object's details page. Only available if a single object is selected.
Toggles whether Archived objects are included in the summary grid.
Removes any filters applied to the summary grid.