The mapping interface provides the main method for navigating and viewing the geospatial information in the system.
It is the default view on login and the tab cannot be closed so is always accessible.
The layout of the interface and a summary of the main tools and components is shown below.
The main components are:
Legend - Controls which information layers are being displayed
Mapping command bar - Provides various tools for navigating and interrogating the mapping information
Compass orientation - Resets the view to be aligned North-South if it has been rotated (see here)
Selected point - Base of 'Pin' displays the currently selected point on the map.
Co-ordinates - Displays the co-ordinates of the currently selected point on the map (Item 4).
Features selected - Show how many features (e.g. earthworks) are currently selected.
Zoom level - Current zoom level of map.
Scale bar - Visual indication of current zoom level.
Mapping Catalogue - Lists the mapping layers available on the system.
The system utilises the Ordnance Survey National Grid. All co-ordinates are stated in Eastings and Northings with reference to the OSGB36 datum (online tools are freely available for conversion to other co-ordinate systems (e.g. Grid Reference).