Structure of drainage asset data

The drainage data hierarchy in GDMS is shown below:


Within GDMS, a drainage asset may refer to an individual asset, such as a gully, pipe or ditch, or to a network modelling item such as ghost nodes. These assets are split into one of three types, as defined by CD 535, related to how their map geometry is defined:

Drainage asset records include inventory and condition information that pertains to the assets. More detailed information about the asset, including history is provided by linked activities, components and observations.

Multiple connected assets in GDMS are grouped to form an asset system (or drainage system defined in CD 535). Each asset is part of one system at a given point in time. Asset systems are automatically calculated by GDMS and are used to store the current interconnected nature of assets. When drainage asset data is updated within GDMS, system IDs are recalculated, as asset connectivity may have changed.

Unique asset references are assigned to each drainage asset by GDMS at time of first upload and is not changed when asset is updated

Each drainage asset is also snapped to a sub-catchment.