The Audit Log presents a complete history of an object on GDMS, listing each time it was changed and by who. This includes for example, when the object was Created, Approved, Edited or Archived.
A version of the object when each of these changes was made is stored on the system. By comparing these historic versions of the object you can see precisely what was changed and when.
The Audit Log section is accessed from the Section Menu of the details page for the object.
A historic version of the object can be viewed by selecting a row in the Audit Log and clicking Details. This displays the Details page for the object as it was immediately after the change was made.
The icon is shown in the tab title to indicate it is historic information and the time and date of the version is displayed at the top of the display window.
To view the current version of an object, click Return to Latest on the command bar.
Be careful when viewing historic details not to confuse current and historic information. It is recommended that you close historic tabs as soon as you are finished with them.